Friday, March 10, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that if you feel pessimistic at times, that means you feel optimistic at other times, or you wouldn't notice the difference.
If you're capable of hate, you're capable of love.
If you get angry and frustrated, most likely it is because there is a good and gentle part of your soul that knows everything can be better, and you have a goal.
If you get down on yourself and disappointed in your actions, then you know better, and are capable of greater things.
If you are dissatisfied, you have a vision for a greater world.
The stars want you to see that many of the negative attributes you beat yourself up over are in fact natural reactions made possible by the positive attributes you possess. It is harsh living in this world sometimes, and when you feel like you don't belong, it's because you have grander expectations for life, and can't accept the things you know don't make sense and are backwards and upside down.
In many instances, the things that bother you upset you because you are human, and the fact that you still maintain your humanity makes you beautiful.

The things you think are faults and deficiencies are only possible because you are so much more than that, and sometimes they make you blindingly spectacular and a beacon to others. They make you a star.

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