Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Today the stars want to remind you of something that they really don't have to remind you of, and that is that life can be devastating.
Sometimes no matter how good you are or how hard you try or how much you want it, nothing is going to work out at all.
You can even be doing nothing in particular and get waylaid by disaster. Disease, blood clot, car accident, crazed gunman, we are all so perilously close to having our worlds destroyed at any moment.
If you survive whatever thing it is that pulls your whole world down, you have to keep going. Sometimes you feel you don't want to, sometimes you use it as an excuse for bad and self destructive behavior, sometimes you let it drive you into depression and give up, but those are all bad options.
Talk to friends and family, or a professional, do your best to come to terms with what happened and move on. Life can be good again, even if it doesn't seem like it now.
And if none of that seems like a good option and you really feel like your life is over, well… here's your chance to start a new life. You have nothing to lose at this point, right? Reinvent yourself. Be the person you always wanted, doing the things you want to do. Be selfish for once.
You are playing with house money, so bet the longshot and laugh the whole time. Figure out what makes you happy and then just do it. This is your ultimate chance to really turn a negative into a positive.
And if it doesn't work out exactly as you planned and you end up back where you started? Try it again.
Don't ever stop trying. Ever.
The stars know that life is trying. They have watched life arise on Earth, and a billion other planets and moons, and in every case it was a struggle. In every instance, life clawed its way into existence, and then struggled and competed and toiled to keep its toehold.
Amidst all the struggling and setbacks, there is more than enough good to make it worthwhile, otherwise why would the struggle continue billions of years later?
There is always enough joy and happiness and grand moments, you just have to hang on until they arrive. The reward is always worth the effort, otherwise none of us would be here.
But we are here.
We are here to keep on trying.

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