Thursday, August 18, 2016


Today’s Horoscope
All Signs:
The stars want to let you know that life has it’s rewards, but you have learn to recognize them and appreciate them for what they are.
Rewards are not dependant on what you want or expect. Most of the time they occur naturally and are what they are. We tend to get caught up in what we think we deserve, but who ever gets what they deserve? Why do we think we know just what we deserve anyway? We are the least impartial people involved to make that judgement.
If you are doing everything in your life expecting a reward you are going to be sorely disappointed. Most of the time the reward is just that you got done whatever you were working on. Rewards rarely outweigh the work you put into attaining them. In fact, most times it’s never remotely close.
Many times though, the rewards come in small doses, and we don’t even realize that we are getting a return on our investment. Sometimes the reward is not something you get, it’s seeing someone else lifted up or their lives made better by what you did. That is no small accomplishment, and it is a reward you should take to heart and feel proud of. In helping others we help ourselves, in very important ways. Our reward is self esteem, self love, self respect, and sadly, those are commodities that are very hard to come by these days.
We receive gifts everyday, and many times they are not so much gifts, but hard earned rewards we take for granted or overlook. Slow down, breath, and think about why things are happening in your life right now. Life could be rewarding you for the good you’ve done, or punishing you for screwing up, or maybe the big wheel just landed on your number out of chance. But the rewards are there. You just have to accept them when they come along and not get down because they are not exactly what you expected.
The stars know all about rewards. They watch us everyday as we obsess on something trivial and insignificant and completely miss something big and important and beneficial. They know life is not always fair, but they also know that life is good and generous, but when we want something impossible we tend to miss out on the thing we need.
Sometimes getting the opposite of what you wanted is exactly the thing you needed most.

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