Friday, August 26, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to let you know that you are in the majority, but it's not a great one to be in.
No matter what surveys or police or politicians or doctors or guidance counselors tell you, the stars see all. The majority of people, especially women, have been abused. Sexually, physically, emotionally, you name it.
We are bullied and raped, beaten and tortured, told we are awful and no one would want us, psychologically tormented and sadistically punished for no reason.
Few of us make it to adulthood unscathed. We are left with the rest of our lives to try to make sense of it all, many times while the abuse continues. Many of the people that do the abusing were abused themselves, and they are continuing the cycle without even realizing it.
The stars bring this up because most people don't. Many times shame, or fear of reprisal stops victims from ever talking about it, and if they finally do they are chastised because they didn't tell anyone about it the “right way” or at the “right time”.
These are issues that need to be addressed, and we have a lot of work to do, but the stars want to get back to the original point. You are not in the minority, and they know it, even if the world doesn't want to hear it.
So there is no shame, there is no right for others to level judgment, there is no fault , only something horrible that dominates your thinking and clouds your decisions. The stars know how we seldom get the closure we need, and we simply go on agonizing over it, again and again, because we just can't understand how something like that was allowed to happen.
But it happens all the time, and it's not your failing. In any way. You didn't deserve it then, and you don't deserve it now. All the hurt and anger and shame you've been harboring all these years is not your fault either. You have to realize that.
That's the first, most important step to moving on, and it's also the hardest, but for your sake you need to try, whenever you feel ready.
Sometimes you have to push yourself, or you'll find you've spent your whole life living in a self made echo chamber, closed off from those that love you, punishing yourself over and over. It will only get worse if unaddressed.
Time does not always heal, sometimes time just makes you accustomed to living with pain and discomfort, and that's not healing. That's just settling into a half life, with the slow, steady hum of dissatisfaction always barely audible somewhere deep inside.
Just remember, whenever you feel alone, or disgraced, or like something has been taken from you that you might never get back, that you are part of a terrible majority. You're not alone, you're no worse than most of the people living on this planet. Realize that there's nothing wrong with you that isn't affecting most of the other people you know, and then you can get busy trying to become part of another minority:
Those that have learned how wonderful and amazing they truly are and will not let someone else's crimes and transgressions against them define who they are and what they can be. Any of us can achieve that, the stars believe that to their core, and they need you to believe it too.
They know we are meant to rise above, that's what people have done again and again, throughout history, and that's what we will continue to do. It's our birthright, to look the world and those that harm us in the face and stare it down, and take back what is ours.
That might seem like a lot, and like an overwhelming thing to do, but just living with what you're living with now is just as hard, if not harder, and that in itself is amazing and heroic.
The stars see all, and they know. They know despite all the terrible and horrific things, that there is redemption and love, strength and rebirth, release and joy, all waiting for us whenever we want it.

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