Wednesday, August 17, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
At times in your life you will arrive at points where you are overwhelmed or exhausted or just feel like you are shutting down because thinking about what you are dealing with is just too much.
The stars want you to know that it's okay to feel that way. It is a natural reaction to sometimes feel numb or incapacitated. Your mind is basically hitting the reset button.
Try to enjoy the respite. Let yourself calm down while your subconscious reshuffles and reorganizes all the jumbled thoughts in your head. Life is hard, and our brains may be amazing, but they have a hard time keeping up with all the demands and stimuli modern day life throws at us.
So when it all gets too much and you don't know which way to turn anymore, just let it all go for a moment. It will all be there when you get back, and if you let your brain sort it out on its own, you might find it knows what it's doing. You may realize that you no longer obsess over things beyond your control, you might see some situation or problem from a whole new perspective, you could find that things that seemed so important and urgent really aren't worth it anymore.
And you let it go permanently.
Sometimes your brain does what you're not capable of, and it blows the whole shaky house of cards down and starts rebuilding, and that can be a huge relief.
Your brain is all about survival, so let it help you survive rather than fight it. While your brain can get you into trouble more often than not, it can really save you when you need it most.
The stars know it can be scary at times like these, because we feel like we are not in complete control, but control is an illusion, just like the constellations and the man in the moon. They want you to know that it's okay to just go with it and to let yourself find some peace.
They will always be there, guiding you, watching over you, and ready to welcome you when you get back.
Like always, all you need to do is look up.

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