Tuesday, August 9, 2016


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
Today the stars want to remind you to take a moment to recognize your tiny victories.  Many times we don’t appreciate or even notice when we get a win.  There are so many times we don’t see how good we had it when it was happening, only to realize later that we wasted the time we had with someone or something or some circumstances that now looks so good in hindsight.
We would not get through life if we didn’t have more wins than losses, yet we always seem to think that life is one setback after another.  So instead of dwelling on what went wrong all the time, think about what went right.  Then remember those things and when they happen again so you will recognize and build on them.
Life is much happier when you notice how good it really is.  Forget about the fact that your body goes through an astronomical number of tiny calculations and executes them every second to keep you breathing and walking and seeing and so many other things.  Think about when you throw a piece of paper across the room into a trash can.  Do you even realize the immense amount of computations and actions your mind and body perform in that split second?  Calculating distance, speed, the physics of the entire operation, the mechanical processes of bending and uncoiling your arm, letting go of the paper ball at the right moment, all done with billions of little electrical signals pulsing through your brain and tissue.  
Hell, even if you miss, that’s a win just getting it close considering all the math and signal routing you just did without even seemingly thinking about it. Again, now think about all those things it takes constantly just to keep you breathing and walking upright.
Whether you get a win or a loss in this moment, just remember the inconceivable amount of tiny victories it takes just to live each second.  You are already so far ahead of the game it’s ridiculous.  And you thought life was hard.  
Okay, regardless of all that, life is hard sometimes.  But just the fact that we are still here to experience it is a miracle.  The odds are so stacked against us, yet here we all are, living, breathing examples of incredible luck and spirit.  
The stars know about all of this.  Although it seems like we are all fixed in the universe, comforted by the fact that cosmically everything is constant and in the same place we saw it last, the stars know that we are all hurtling through space at astronomical speeds, flung out in an ever expanding arc.
They know how lucky all of us are, and them too.  They appreciate it, and thrill to the fact that they are still here from one moment to the next, and they couldn’t be happier.  Every day they get to share in all of our little victories, whether we ever notice them or not.

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