Thursday, June 21, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars believe in positive change and redeeming yourself. They believe that all people are damaged in some way, but that's not the end of the world by any stretch. There are endless opportunities to fix what's wrong, and live a happy life.
The stars also want you to understand that some people are beyond redemption. Not many, but they do exist. They do not want to fix themselves, they are driven by greed and hatred, and they only hurt and destroy what they come in contact with. To them, they don't see a problem with how broken they are, because they don't see themselves as broken.
Some are psychotic or sick, and can't help it. Some have just been raised to feel that other people don't matter, and chances are they won't ever figure it out.
Sometimes, one of these irreparable people will find themselves in a position of power, and will appeal to a whole population of damaged individuals. Like a siren song, they will call out to the portion of the public who feel marginalized or forgotten. Bitter and sad people, who feel like they are missing out, and looking for anyone but themselves to blame. People who have let hatred and jealousy blind them to the fact that they are following a monster, and acting like a monster in the process.
The stars want you to know that there is a difference between the monster and most of his followers. True, some of the fervent mob are just as irredeemable as their leader, but only a small percentage. The rest are people just like you, damaged and struggling to figure it out. They are in a different place in their lives than you are right now, but they are far from irredeemable.
The stars see a huge division in humanity right now, and it is terrible. People in the same predicament, yet a sizable portion of them fighting against their own best interests. But really, who hasn't engaged in self destructive behavior at some point in their lives? Who hasn't made bad, or even disastrous choices at some point? We all had to learn somehow, and if we're lucky, we can all point to people in our lives who didn't abandon us or write us off because of it.
Part of learning how to navigate through life is discerning who is beyond redemption and who is not. It's really not that hard to figure out. There is good and bad in everyone, and simply cutting people out of your life because they disagree with you on a few issues isn't helping anyone. It isn't making you look like the all inclusive, tolerant person you perceive yourself to be.
Make no mistake, most people have always made it very difficult to like them. We seem to excel at it. Just make sure you know the difference between the monsters and the confused people who follow them. On a national level, you have to fight them, in the media and the voting booth. On a personal level, you can still interact with them, and find things about them you like. You can discus and share your views, and yes, at times it will be aggravating and will blow up on your face. But if you stop trying, and cut people from your life that you liked before all this political division started, you are basically deciding that nearly a third of the human race is beneath you. That they are too far gone, and should be shunned and put down, and that is only going to make it worse. Much worse.
Helping people who have opinions or traits you don't like is one of the hardest things to do, yet where would the world be if there weren't people willing to do that? How would anything change if people didn't work to close that divide, and bring people from all different positions together?
Monsters divide. Monsters ridicule and attack. Monsters demonize and write off whole segments of the population.
The stars want you to be aware: sometimes it's also easy to become the monsters we are fighting.

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