Tuesday, June 5, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Sometimes just being a decent human being is exhausting. Being kind and caring is hard work, especially in a world full of selfish and evil people.
Even more infuriating is that most of those people don't see themselves as evil and selfish. They go through life, feeling put upon and cheated, feeling justified in treating the rest of the world with contempt.
Most of us don't even have to come into close contact with people like this, even though we see them everywhere. In the news, in government, in business, in entertainment, on social media. It's still draining, no matter how much you want to avoid it. Just knowing these people exist hurts you and offends your sensibilities. It's crippling to watch them destroy people's lives.
That's not the part that does you in, though. You'll find that a lot of the people in your immediate life, while not necessarily evil, are still selfish. They can be self absorbed, and completely unaware of how they treat you and the rest of the world. They will not notice when you need them most, they will not do their part because they are used to you picking up the slack. They don't make you feel needed or loved, they won't listen or commiserate when you're sad. They will not even recognize themselves when you complain about them.
When you are giving and selfless, the rest of the world thinks you don't need anything. They think you are only there to give, so they feel fine taking. They see you trying with everything you have, and they will only heap more work and negativity and misery on you. They don't mean to do it, they just don't realize how they affect the world around them, and they break your heart a little more every day.
The stars don't know what to tell you. Just find your strength somewhere deep inside you, or maybe in things that don't require other people. Look to find your inspiration in others like you, making the world a better place one small step at a time.
Just don't count on most people to be something that they are incapable of being, and don't let yourself be disappointed time and time again when you should know better. Because more often than not, most of the people in your life are going to let you down, and you are going to be exhausted.
It's up to you to figure out if you want to keep working, or quit. The stars want to remind you that many have quit already. They are the people who are wearing on your patience, who are going through life destroying as quickly as you build. Look closely at those people. Do they really seem happy? Do they look like they have anything worthwhile figured out? Do they look like someone you would really like to be?
No? Good, then get back to work, and at least take solace that your heart and soul are intact, and that the stars know, and that they shine for you.

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