Friday, June 22, 2018


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars know.
They know that there is something inside you that is unnamable. Or more accurately, there is an unnamable thing that is missing. It’s something you can almost see, almost grasp, but it still eludes you. It seems so simple. The answer to all life’s questions. The maddenting thing is, you can’t even see the shape of the missing piece, so you might not even recognize it if you stumble upon it.
There are moments when it seems attainable. That euphoria you get with new love or a solution to a problem, or discovering a book or movie or ideology that seems to put a face on what you need to make life as good as it can be. Times when you are almost manic, when it seems that everything will work out fine and it’s all going to be alright. And then it’s not.
Not that it’s tragic or miserable, just that there is something holding you back, or holding the world back. Like you are caught in a dream at times, and you can’t find the key to wake up. The world around you won’t wake up, either. It’s like everyone is purposely obtuse and ignorant to the simple truths that are in front of them. Like when you play your favorite song for someone, and you just get a blank stare in return.
That feeling of a hole in your life, that’s normal though. By its very nature, reality seems to hold you back. It’s a trick life plays. Ups and downs, wins and loses. It seems like there should be a simple formula to tweak it and make everything a high point all the time, but there isn’t. Contentment feels like it is just around the corner, but you never quite arrive there. So you will drive yourself mad trying to figure out why your life always seems just shy of perfection.
The stars want you to know that feeling that way means you are alive. It means you are still striving, still dreaming, still aware that there are things bigger and more important than you are at work. It is of little comfort, they know, but a little comfort might be one of the best things we get in life. Don’t write that off while waiting for some answer that in all likelihood doesn’t exist.

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