Wednesday, June 13, 2018


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
Life can seem like an endless trial. It is littered with pain and disappointment. You have suffered tremendous loss. You have had your heart broken on many occasions, in so many different ways. You have been stymied and frustrated, marginalized, ignored, abused and neglected. You have cried and panicked and fled. You have been bloodied and beaten and bowed. Then there are all the little things, tiny setbacks and annoyances you suffer with everyday. It feels like death by a million tiny cuts at times. There are moments when you feel so low, nothing seems good or worth it.
So yeah, there’s that.
Yet here you are. You are still going, still fighting, still searching for joy. Never lose sight of the fact that life has thrown its worst at you, and you have overcome it every time. Sometimes the battle is with your enemies, sometimes with the people you love most, sometimes it’s with yourself. The results are the same, though. You are still standing.
The stars want you to always remember that you are a warrior. You have conquered the obstacles in your path. Sometimes you crawled off and licked your wounds, but you lived to fight another day. You are a survivor, which is a noble thing, don’t let anyone tell you different. That’s an integral part of being a warrior.
So go face the day with the knowledge that at the end of it, you will still be here, and face it like the amazing and accomplished miracle that you are.

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