Monday, June 11, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that as resilient and strong as humans are, as capable as we are of overcoming great tragedy and loss, we are all still so fragile at times.
The stars want you to remember that even though we are amazing at still being able to function despite being damaged and cracked in so many places, one day any of us could break apart into a million pieces.
The stars want you to know that even those we think have it all, those people who we look to for strength and guidance and support, might be in turmoil when no one is watching.
People have a tendency to expect people to act or be the way they present themselves to us. For better or for worse, we label and categorize and list, and we interact accordingly. Our bonds become set, our roles defined, and we become distant, even as we get closer.
Then one day we are shocked out of our routine by senseless tragedy. We wonder how we never saw, lament that we didn't try harder, and think about what might have been.
The stars implore you to be there for the people in your life. Talk to them, check in on them, just let them know you care about them. Be kind and understanding, and watch for any signs that things are going wrong. Suicide takes so many of us before our time. There is no guarantee that you can save them, you might not be there when they fall apart completely, there is no way of knowing when that moment might come and the wave overtake them.
Still, you might just be the one person who lifts them up when they need it most. The simplest thing might keep them going one more day, and maybe that one day is all they need to turn it around. You never know, even the stars don't know, so again, try to always be kind and there for people.
We are here to love each other, to be present and involved in each other's lives, not to isolate and ignore. So do the best you can, put the effort into your relationships, and be there in case you're needed. Because no matter how any of us might seem to be on the outside, we all need something now and then.
The stars know that life is a minefield, full of danger and heartbreak and uncertainty, but they swear that there is always a way through it. Help one another through it. The stars want you to know that they love you, they shine their light on you, and they walk beside you, always.

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