Sunday, June 12, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars remind you to always share. It is only by sharing that we learn that the things about us that make us feel isolated and shameful are not unique. The hardest blows come not from the things that are done to us, or from our failures or lapses in judgement. They come from what remains inside; the guilt, the shame, the feeling that we are bad and unlovable, the blame for things that aren't even our fault.
Carry around too much of that stuff and we soon get the feeling that we are unredeemable, too far gone for anyone to respect, even ourselves. That is why we must confide in others, so we can learn to understand that we are not alone. We are all full of secrets and things we think no other person on earth could know about or understand, but they can. Most likely they are hurting too, but they are hiding the same dark secrets inside.
So if we share our pain and guilt with others, we see that they will not recoil in horror or disgust, but will find relief and comfort.
As with all things in life, the stars realize nothing is this cut and dry. They realize that some secrets are too great. We all carry some things within us that are so personal and so grievous that we cannot ever utter them aloud. We can't even admit them to ourselves. We bury them so deep that we think they will never surface and we pretend they don't exist.
But they do.
They exist, way down deep, in the sub strata of our minds, and they poison everything that grows above them. They rot and fester and expand like some lethal fungus, and they infect every thought you have, inform every decision you make.
That's precisely why there should be no secrets too great. That's why you need at least one person in your life that has your best interests at heart, and will help you dig them up and burn them, and fill in the hole with good soil.
The stars know that too many of us will go on carrying this poison around with us. It is our nature. Not our nature to hide our secrets, but our nature to make others feel like they should. We have done an amazingly thorough job of restricting and stunting each other through shame and guilt. Society has made it so we feel terrible just for experiencing some of the horrors life throws at us. That is a shame.
So we will go on, and our world will be shaped by all the poison festering away inside the minds of our loved ones, of our leaders, of ourselves. We won't even know the reasons because we are working so hard to ignore them.
As always, our secrets will be our undoing.

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