Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to understand that even though the universe seems stable and orderly, it is really non-stop chaos spread out over millennia. It's the same for life.
Life is messy, and turbulent, and the longer you live, the more chaos you navigate and the more you learn that life is full of things you never expected.  Of course life is full of wonderful things, but there are so many things in life that are horrific and devastating and unimaginable.
Sadly, we live these things in the moment, day by day. We don't have the luxury of seeing them from afar, spread out over the course of a lifetime, we get to see them up close as they happen. They are instant and constant and they hurt.
There is no miracle answer, no short cuts. You just have to live through it best you can, and we need to help each other. We forget this simple thing.  Help each other.  We are all besieged with problems at one time or another, but when we have a lull in our own battles, we should look at the people around us and offer a hand if we can.
It can be something as simple as listening to their problems, and just acknowledging the things they are dealing with.  A little encouragement goes a long way.  You might be the difference between that person giving up or persevering, even if just for another day.  
You might find that helping others makes you feel better, and maybe someone will be more inclined to help you one day.  You get out of life what you put into it.  Put nothing in, you will get nothing out and you will wonder why nothing seems to work out for you.  Put only bad things into it and you will wonder why you are constantly on the wrong end of everything and why your life is nothing but abuse and punishment.
It is so simple, yet we are such a confused and battered population that we can’t all keep any of the simple truths in life simple.   We complicate and distort everything, and make our lives and the people’s lives around us so needlessly difficult.  
So we careen through our days, amidst the chaos of the natural order of things and the chaos we create, and we think it is normal and unfathomable at the same time.   We blame ourselves where there is no blame and shun our responsibilities when we are liable.  
We cripple and blind ourselves and wonder why we can’t move forward and avoid the pitfalls.
The stars see us, they see our place in the chaos and upheaval, and they see our role in the misery and uncertainty we create.  They peer at us through the nebulae and they try to influence and guide us, yet we seem to resent them their help.  Still they try, even if they can never make us fully realize our potential and even if they can never save us from ourselves.  The stars will never abandon us, but they can only do so much.
That is why we must help each other, because we all need all the help we can get.

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