Sunday, June 19, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Today the stars want to remind you that even though moms get a lot of the praise(and deservedly so), dads are pretty important too. Too many TV sitcoms have made fathers out to be clueless, bumbling idiots, and horrible stories about deadbeat dads have tarnished all of them for some reason.
Often dads are seen as people that can't do anything right, or the lovable guy that tries but just can't connect with his kids. Like many things that form our opinions, that is ridiculous.
There are plenty of dads out there that have sacrificed and given everything for their kids. They still are, even when we are adults and supposedly shouldn't need our fathers to bail us out yet again.
Dads get the short end of the stick much of the time, and that's a shame. If you were lucky enough to have a dad that was a real man and took care of his family, you know how great it is.
It's true that some dads, especially from older generations, weren't always great at the tender and emotional moments. The great dads tried, though. It may have been awkward for them, but they did the best they could and it was more than enough.
A lot of the time, dad was working, and when he wasn't working he was fixing the house or making it better for his family. Dad showed his love in the ways that he could, and they were important and vital ways, and if you had that type of dad you know that.
Nothing made you feel safer than dad. He had your complete trust, and no one seemed more capable and you had nothing to fear as long as dad was there.
Then there are those that didn't have that type of dad. Maybe your dad had issues, and maybe they weren't his fault, but the fault of his upbringing, and no one gave him a proper example of how to be a dad. Mothers were always expected to be nurturing and doting, but a father's role is still evolving to this day.
The stars aren't telling you that you have to love or forgive or excuse any of your father's bad behaviors or shortcomings, but sometimes even dads that couldn't handle it in the beginning figure it out as they get older. Maybe your dad was a mess of a parent when you were a kid, but if he's trying now to make amends and be a dad, maybe give him a chance. Being a dad is a lifelong commitment, and you're the other half of that relationship.
Maybe he never had a dad that showed he cared. Maybe, though it seemed like he wasn't there like he should have been, his dad was much worse and it took everything he had to give the little he did give you.
Maybe he's figuring out out now, and he realizes what he did wrong. It might mean a lot to him and yourself if you give him the chance to make it up to you.
Or maybe he never will. Some dads never even try.
The bad thing is that while dads get short shrift, and we have been conditioned not to expect much, a father's role is so important and helps inform who we are and how we feel about ourselves.
So if your dad was one of the truly bad ones, abusive, or indifferent or not even there, do your best to not let that make you feel bad about yourself. It was his problem, and it doesn't mean you were bad or unlovable or worthless. It just means your dad wasn't any good at being a dad, and sadly there are people having kids everyday that probably shouldn't.
Step-dads hey a bad rap too, but many times they are more heroic than your real dad. They stepped in and raised someone else's child as their own, and that's no small feat.
Some of us have dads that aren't here anymore, and if you feel bad about your dad situation, think about the fact that he could be gone entirely. You only have one dad, and you might not get a chance next father's day to tell him all the things you should have.
And if your dad isn't here anymore, the stars want you to know that he is still watching over you, and he's proud of you and he cares, even if he never knew how to tell you that or show you just how much when he was alive.
He's your dad, and that's what dads do, whether we ever know it or not.

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