Sunday, June 12, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Today there is more horror in the news then usual. The stars want you to remember that there is always more good in the world than bad. Civilization has seemingly been on the brink many times over. We have endured heartbreak and genocide and slaughter. We have seen the innocent, the bystanders, the children put before the gun and the machines of war. We see senseless violence, fueled by fear, hatred and greed. We see what horror countries, organizations and individuals can visit upon society. We have seen cities laid waste and the images of bodies twisted and maimed so as to be unrecognizable. We have seen it all until it seemed our poor hearts could take no more.
But we have endured. We have endured because no matter how much evil there is in the world, there is always more love.
Keep that love with you. Let it light your way and share it with the world when the world needs it most. Hold those dear to you a little tighter and be assured that the world will keep on turning and the stars will be there to guide you no matter what. When the darkness and light clash, the light always wins. Light penetrates and vanquishes the dark, so we all need to be that light.
That light is love, and there is always more love than hate, or we wouldn't still be here, calling each other out of the darkness again and again.

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