Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
Today the stars want to remind you that you are free.  Free to be what you want, who you want, whenever you want.  Freedom is such a funny thing.  It is such a basic right and denied to so many, but most people that have it take it for granted.  Chances are though, if you are reading this, you are free.  
Of course, none of us are totally free.  We parcel off little bits of our freedom all the time.  Through work, relationships, any commitments we make, we strike a balance where we trade off a little freedom to get something back in return.  Money, love, security, companionship, whatever.  Still, we are essentially free to negate any of those contracts on the spot, as long as we understand we will suffer some consequences.  That is our choice, and we are free to make it.
Then there is the bigger threat to our freedom.  All the self imposed restrictions, the chains and prisons we make for ourselves.  Whether it is fear or shame or guilt that stops us from being truly free, or lets us give power to others to control us, it is our enemy.  If the only thing stopping you from doing what you really want to do is a vague feeling that you are wrong for wanting to, then that’s a shame.  You are squandering a precious gift.
If you are with someone that keeps you from being who you truly are, then you are not living a full life.  Many times we end up with someone that is even more insecure and frightened by freedom than we are, so they restrict themselves and they restrict you in the process.  They are afraid of who you really are, and if someone else sees it they will lose you.  So they beat you down, and they make you think you’re bad for being who you are.  They ruin you for yourself and others, and for themselves, but they would rather have a chained up, stunted version of you than let you be the wonderful person you are.  They are so afraid and insecure that they think if you were ever free to be who you are you wouldn’t want them anymore.  
Make no mistake, it is you giving them that control.  It is you allowing them to take your freedom.  Perhaps on some level, you are now convinced that no one would want you if they knew who you really were.
So we live our lives in cages that we make, and the door is open but we never leave.  We never truly dance or sing or fly.  We never love completely, ourselves or others.  We sit, envious of those around us that seemingly have no limitations, but never realize that we have none either.  
So while you will always have responsibilities, and you should take care of those, you also have the right to be free.
Free to love who you want to love.
Free to be who you want to be.
Free to not settle for anything that you don’t want to settle for.
Free to laugh and sing and cry and do it all in the face of whomever wants to stifle you. There is no exhilaration greater than freedom.
There will always be someone that wants to take your freedom from you.  They want you to be afraid, they want you to be unsure, they want you to doubt who you are.  They want to control you and swindle you and break you, and it is your job to smile and waltz right past them and flaunt your freedom in their face.  Being free sometimes means being brave, and sometimes it means suffering for it, but it is always better than the alternative.
Nothing scares people in power more than someone that is unbreakable, that continues to live their life, free and unafraid.  When we are free, we are unstoppable.  We are strong because we choose who we are and who we answer to.  We have taken all control away from them, be they government or lover, criminal or parent, or your own fear.
Only when we are free of all those things can we be everything glorious and wonderful that we can be, and damn anyone that wants to stop us.  Damn the politicians and fearmongers, creating bogeymen to keep you in line. Damn the chastising voices from the TV and the pulpits, making you feel shame.  Damn anyone telling you that you deserve whatever abuse and pain you get for just wanting to be who you are.  
Damn anything that takes even a tiny bit of your freedom just so they can feel safer.
When you are free, you make your own rules and you shape the world you live in.
The stars want to remind us all that we are free.

So be free.

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