Monday, June 20, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you to be kind.
That's it.
When someone has a problem or they are down, instead of being judgemental and lecturing them due to your own insecurities or self-righteousness or control issues, be positive and supportive.
Just ask “how can I help?”
And then try to help.
It seems like the easiest thing in the world to do, yet most of us are incapable of it. Most of us are incapable of seeing that others are just going through things. They want to label them as losers or weak or pathetic instead of taking a moment to wonder why they are acting that way and to have some compassion instead of scorn.
And yes, some people might take advantage of that, so never give more than you can afford to lose and let it go if that happens. Sometimes even when someone doesn't seem to appreciate any help you gave them, you actually have helped. Every little bit makes a difference, all of our actions send out ripples that affect so many others, even though you might never see it.
You can't give up on all people just because some of them hurt you. Everyone is in some kind of pain, whether you choose to see it or not. That pain manifests itself in some really crappy behavior at times, and many times the person that wrongs you is damaging themselves much worse.
Yes, caring and helping is work, and involves some sacrifice, but what kind of person are you if you aren't willing to do a little work to help others?
Stop punishing the world, stop feeling so put upon all the time, stop blaming others for simply having a rough time of it, stop living in your own little bubble and open your eyes and develop some empathy and start caring about the world around you.
Basically, the stars want to tell you to get your head out of your ass and stop acting like douchebags, and make the world a better place for the people around you.

You just might find that your world gets better in the process.

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