Monday, September 25, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars know that we're never satisfied. We tend to feel bad about that, but the stars don't understand why that is.
It is because we are never satisfied that we keep striving for something better. We keep trying to remake the world into a Utopia, we keep trying to be more successful and productive, we keep trying to make things better for our children and the people we love. If we were ever satisfied, we would stop working towards all the good things that we envision.
True, we find some satisfaction here and there, but it seldom lasts. We are so good at spotting deficiency and faults, and we are driven to fix them.
The stars know that it's a trade off. They know that the feeling of dissatisfaction is uncomfortable and sometimes demoralizing, but they know that it keeps us trying for greatness, and they know that we will achieve it.

And then we will strive to do even better.

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