Tuesday, September 12, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to make sure the people you let into your life and give yourself to deserve it.
Too often we are lonely, or insecure, or just need to feel loved, so we accept people into our lives that haven't earned it. We overlook their faults, and even their wholly different philosophies on life, and just plunge in anyway.
Soon we start to lose who we are, and we let some very unscrupulous and predatory people influence and control us. We make excuses because we want to love them or be their friends, or we have just grown accustomed to them being around, and we are afraid of losing something we have gotten used to.
Your friends or lovers should support you when you're doing well and warn you when you're not. They should love you and be excited to be with you and want to share their life. All the joy, all the sorrow, and everything in between, be it your triumphs or just some little thing that reminds them of you.
They should always want the best for you, and treating you badly or putting you down, or not being there when you need them is unacceptable. Always taking and never giving is something too many people get used to and accept on a regular basis. We tell ourselves we are being strong, or low maintenance, or loving someone despite their shortcomings, but that's not the way it should be. We are making excuses to justify what we are giving up.
The stars want all of us to get the happiness we deserve, and that's our responsibility. When we let people into our lives that take that happiness from us, we are sabotaging ourselves. Always be true to yourself and what you know to be right, and find people that know it too, and love you for who you are. When you have people that really know you and love you for it, you will always be ahead of the game.

That way you know that if you ever get lost, they are there to call you back home.

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