Thursday, September 28, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to warn you against letting the “what have you done for me lately?” mindset take over. While it's true we should expect the people we are closest to be there for us when we need them, we shouldn't look to eject them if we don't get around the clock attention from them.
We tend to have short memories when it comes to a lot of things. It's not that detrimental if you stop caring about a musician because they put out a bad album, or a filmmaker who puts out a bomb, but if you jettison people from your life because they haven't been doting over you, you might lose something important.
Perhaps you haven't been making time for them. Maybe they are going through something, and in actuality you're the one that isn't paying attention.
What if you're not expressing your needs? It's not fair to expect others to read our minds or pick up on our subtle signals.
Or it could be that life just got in the way, and you've both been busy with family or work or whatever. The stars always marvel at how we often think the worst of our loved ones.
The point is, if someone was there for you in the past, if they meant something to you at all, why be so quick to throw that away? Reconnect and give them a chance before too much time has gone by and unwarranted resentment claims another friend.

The stars want you to hold onto the people you love, because if you are in a position where you are thinking about them and considering dismissing them, there is a probably a reason why they are on your mind in the first place. Somewhere inside of you, you must feel you need them, so don't spite yourself. Tell them you need them and give them a chance to remind you why you loved them in the first place.

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