Wednesday, September 20, 2017


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to remind you that you aren’t done living until you’re dead.  Sometimes, after life deals us a huge setback(or a bunch of little ones), we tend to retreat into ourselves and shut down.  We become fearful of getting hurt again, or we just feel like there is no point because the odds are stacked against us.
We start to only see the roadblocks and the evils in the world.  We start to see the traits of the people or circumstances that hurt us and held us back in everything we look at.  That is just your brain deluding itself into believing it is providing protection using faulty pattern recognition.  In other words, you’re chasing ghosts.
You need to perceive when this is happening and fight against it, or all too soon it can sap all your resolve and scuttle your plans for the foreseeable future.
If you have been hurt, and now you fear being hurt again, take a moment to realize that you’ve probably been hurt many times before, and you lived through it those times.  Instead of seeing demons everywhere, take stock of yourself and wonder why you keep putting yourself in a position to get hurt again and again.  Oftentimes insecurities in ourselves lead us to choose damaged people that we think will need us too much to ever leave us.  We hamstring ourselves from the start by selling ourselves short and then wondering why some incomplete and broken person doesn’t act in a predictable manner.  And if it’s the first time you’ve been hurt?  Get used to it, because living life means you are going to get hurt now and then.  You can’t be afraid of getting hurt, or you won’t get anywhere.
Or perhaps you end up getting hurt because you think you deserve to be treated badly. You should stop that horrendous train of thought immediately.  Many of us look to be punished for many distorted and perceived wrongdoings concocted by our twisted psyches.  None of us deserve to be punished mercilessly for mistakes or letting ourselves be mistreated.  Even criminals serve their punishment and are released.  Don’t commit yourself to a life sentence for a misdemeanor.  
Sometimes we hit a roadblock in our professional life.  We can lose our job, or a business venture doesn’t go as planned, or maybe college is over and it’s hard finding work in your chosen field.  Instead of giving up, retool, reinvent, explore other options that play to your talents.  Many times, people that can’t find an existing role in their field that plays to their talents will create one. Art and business have a lot in common.  Be creative.  There are plenty of people that have turned something they love doing into a career.
If things aren’t working out right now, take that time to examine your strengths and weaknesses.  Play to your strengths and maybe get more training or find a partner or associate to shore up your weaknesses.  Another area where art and business is the same is that there are huge communities for both, full of people willing to share their expertise and help.  Reach out and explore your options, because in almost every instance there are options you never knew you had.
The important thing is, don’t stop living, even in one area of your life.  There are infinite possibilities, and there’s no way you’ve exhausted them all. When you hit a dead end, don’t just sit there and stare at the wall, back up and find a way around it if you can’t break through it.
One of the things the stars admire most about us is our resilience.  It is one of our defining traits, and we all possess it if we look. When we give up, the stars can’t help but be puzzled and sad, because we were made to keep trying.  It is in our DNA, it is our spirit, our essence, and it is a crime to waste it.

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