Friday, September 8, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to talk about the words “I'm sorry”. They are powerful words, important words, and sometimes overused words.
You should not let your ego or insecurities get on the way of admitting when you are wrong. It can be hard to apologize, especially facing someone that you've wronged, but it is essential. It can bring you peace as well as the person you are apologizing to, giving both of you much needed closure.
There are many people that are damaged by the actions of others, and end up in a state of arrested development, unable to cope because they never got an apology or admission of guilt by the one person they need it from most.
When you apologize, you should be sincere. Too many people simply say the words without giving any thought to what they are apologizing for, as they turn around and simply do it again. These people don't care that they hurt you, and whether it's because they are damaged or just jerks, you shouldn't let them into a position where they can hurt you at all.
The stars want you to understand that just as important as the apology is forgiveness. If someone is sincerely remorseful about what they did, and you can find it within yourself to forgive them, you should. For both your sakes. There are some things that people might find unforgivable, but keep in mind that there are people that have even forgiven the person that murdered their children, so anything is possible.
Most people are not capable of forgiving something like that, and that's understandable. You should learn to forgive whatever you can though, because forgiving means letting go, and moving forward, and releasing yourself from a lot of pain and obsessive misery. Most importantly, forgive yourself, because once the person that hurt you is done and gone, we often continue to punish ourselves.
The stars also want to point out that there are some people that apologize automatically for things that need no apology. They just say it constantly because they are afraid of offending or upsetting anyone, and you should feel bad for them and try to put them at ease. Many times they do this because they have been abused or terrorized by someone in the past. There was no rhyme or reason to the abuse because the abusers were sadistic and would use any excuse to lash out, so they apologize for everything. Many times they are unconscious that they are doing it.

They are living in a type of prison, stunted and afraid, and they are the people that need an apology most of all, but are probably never going to get it. They will live out their days wondering why someone they loved would do that to them, never getting closure, never getting an answer. Never hearing the words “I'm sorry” from the person they need to hear it from most.

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