Sunday, September 3, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
This Labor Day weekend, the stars want to remind you that the work you do sabotaging and destroying yourself is usually harder than the work it would take to make your life a success. Plus, the wages are much worse.
Most of the time, you really have to work at making your life a mess. True, there are people that traumatize you or abuse you or just don't raise you well or provide you with good role models or the tools to cope. That's tragic, but after they do their job, a lot of people just end up taking over the business. They end up doing all the work to impede their own progress, shame and guilt themselves into self hatred, and completely ruin their lives and the lives of the people they love.
The thing is, it's a wide and varied job market out there, and there are a lot of good perks that come along with working on self improvement and positive change. You'll find it might be hard going at first, but there's so much room for advancement and fulfillment.
So you can work on making your life harder, or you can work on making it better, it's that simple. So quit your job if it's keeping you from being happy and making you hate yourself, and get into the business of being who you would really like to be. You're going to be working either way, so why not choose the job that makes you happy? 

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