Thursday, October 12, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars are sad that we all lose our innocence at some point. Life chips away at it from an early age. You find that there's no such thing as Santa Claus, or that your parents are the tooth fairy. You learn television characters aren't real and life is full of bumps and bruises.
Some people lose their innocence in big ways when they are young. Their parents split up, or die. They grow up in a household of abuse or addiction. They have to deal with childhood illnesses.
Our teenage years take a heavy toll on our innocence. We learn about heartbreak and popularity and bullies and failure. Few of us make it to our 20’s with our innocence intact. It's probably not healthy to get that far and still be shielded from the real world.
At any rate, many of us that lose our innocence spend a large part of our lives trying to get it back. That's not possible. You can't unring a bell. You are never going to be able to return to that place where everything seemed easy and safe and warm.
That's okay, though. The stars want you to know that you can still hold onto the things that make life wonderful and magical. The fact that you are so far away from that innocent and naive person you were just makes those moments all the more special.
More importantly, you can use those memories and longing for simplicity to provide it for your children, and let them live in blissful ignorance for awhile longer. Perhaps that's why we have children, a selfish desire to be as close as we can to that deliriously happy state, before we learned how cruel and twisted things can be at times. It's why it hurts so deeply when we see our children struggle with even the simplest setbacks. We know where life is taking them.
The stars want to remind you, no matter how much you ache for that lost simpler time and feeling of security, it was never meant to last. It was only temporary, because the stars know what lies ahead. They knew you needed to experience that feeling for as long as you could so you had something to ground you and tether you to the world once you grew up and got down to the business of being a person.

So keep those memories safe, but let them just be that, fond memories. Now you have things to do, and maybe someday we will work it all out, and life can be simple again, and we can all find our way back to that innocence we crave so much.

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