Monday, October 30, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to give you a heads up. These days our lives are filled with all the noise and hyperbole meant to distract you. We are bombarded and overloaded with frightening news, half of it lies and misinformation. We are assaulted from a hundred different angles by carefully crafted propaganda, designed to keep us on edge and confused, overwhelmed so we make bad decisions and spread ourselves too thin to effectively deal with any of it.
There are too many leaks in the dike at this point, and we are scrambling not only to stem the flow of water, but to determine which are even real leaks in the first place.
So while we might be swinging blindly at phantoms when it comes to politics and social issues, most of that doesn't have an immediate impact on our nation and our daily lives.
With one noticeable exception.
We are so caught up in the turmoil of these times that sometimes we aren't hearing the people in our lives. All that worry and fear, the agitation and arguing, the energy and time now spent fighting the good fight or just trying to cope… Well, that all comes at the expense of other things in your life. There is only so much of you to go around, so it has to come from somewhere.
The stars want you to take a little time to make sure your life is in balance. If you are ignoring the people you love while you descend further down the rabbit hole of modern life, you are going to lose them. Figure out a way to get a grip on the sensationalism and fear mongering coming from both sides of the spectrum. Take a breath and realize that most of what is going on is not life or death, and let some of it go.
Maybe learn to operate like a triage unit. Handle the emergencies first and leave the minor things for somebody else. Because you can't save the world by yourself, and certainly not all of it at once. Reconnect with the people in your life, and make sure they are getting from you what they need. Do a soft reset and some spring cleaning in your mind, and realign your focus.
You're much better when you're working efficiently then when you're all over the place.
The stars also want to make it a special point to tell those of us that are in trouble that you need to speak up. Sadly, these days most people are too wrapped up in all the craziness going on to notice a cry for help. The stars see us dropping hints and sending up flares that go unnoticed most of the time. If you are in crisis, if you need someone to hear you, you might have to shout over the din to be heard.
Please, shout as loud as you can and don't leave anything to chance. It's not that people won't help you, it's that most of them need help themselves. These are chaotic and scary times, and so many of us are being lost in the cracks.

We need to be there for each other, we need to actively keep an eye on the people we care about and ourselves, lest we lose the most important things we have while chasing our tail trying to save something else.

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