Monday, October 30, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that you are probably still learning the same lessons you have already learned. There are many times we figure things out the hard way, or conquer our fears, only to succumb to fear or temptation yet again.
Change is not an easy thing to accomplish. Our brains are hardwired for a lot of things, and to go against everything it is telling us, screaming at us in many instances, is nearly impossible at times.
That's why we backslide. It is not because we are weak, it is because we are human. It is because we are fighting chemistry and psychology and experience and millions of years of evolution. It's a wonder we even try.
But try we do, because that is also what it means to be human. We can comprehend the things that are bad for us, or that hold us back, or that keep us from being who we really want to be. Then the struggle begins.
That struggle will be with us until the day we die. We will never be perfect, not even close. Why would we want to be? It is our imperfections that trip us up, that is true, but it is our imperfections that make us unique and inspire us to keep trying, to keep improving.
The stars also want to remind you that some of the things you might perceive as imperfections are the exact reason someone might love you passionately. The way you work to overcome the things that are not so beneficial is inspiring. The thing we don't like about ourselves is sometimes the thing that makes us human, because sometimes we get it exactly wrong and see strengths as weaknesses. On occasion, we confuse love and hatred, indifference and passion, right and wrong.
And then, miraculously, we see the light, and we change it after all.

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