Monday, October 2, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars know you all have a lot of work to do in your march toward the light. They know it will contentious, they know that it will drive more wedges, they know that it will frustrate and twist you in two.
But the stars want you take a moment before you start your crusade and join the fray to hold tight to your loved ones and remember that we're all in this together.
Apparently there's no way, spiritual or otherwise, to prevent any of us from being senselessly taken from the arms of love in an instant.
The stars want you to recognize what's precious in your life, and realize that everyone involved has lost so much. Don't take any of it for granted, because that might be you someday, everything you cherish can all be gone on an instant.
The stars also want you to know that even though something horrific has occurred, there is still more light than darkness out there.
Keep that light in your heart, you're going to need it.

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