Monday, October 30, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to be aware that when someone you care about has a problem or is offended, it's not up to you to decide if it's a problem or if they should be offended. If you respect someone, you trust them enough to have a reason for being upset.
We are all often quick to judge, and we judge everything we see, whether we realize it or not. That is how our brains work, and it is an essential part of what keeps us safe and informs our actions. But it has a dark side, too.
We tend to dismiss things that we make snap judgements on, and in the process we make others feel like they don't matter. We will mock them or put them down for feelings we deem frivolous. We will argue with them about whether or not they should be offended when we should just apologize for offending them.
We will constantly push our worldviews from our perspective on them. We want a right or wrong scenario in instances where there is no clear cut right and wrong.
Granted, there are times when people's opinions or feelings aren't justified, but more often than not, they are. You just have to see it from where they are sitting. Even if they aren't justified, you're not going get them to see that by ridiculing or yelling at them.
Once again, the stars are telling you to try to see it from other's perspective. Take a little time to think about what they are going through, or what their life is like.
If you are just dismissive of the people in your life's feelings and opinions, you are treating them with great disrespect. You shouldn't be in any type of relationship with people you have no respect for, and you shouldn't disrespect people you do.
Either way, you might find that you won't have those relationships for very long. People want someone that can at least take a moment to try to understand them. They want someone that they can talk to without being being judged and told they are wrong for being who they are. They want a confidant, a kindred spirit, a friend.

They want respect.

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