Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want you to keep in mind that you need to remember what you’ve already learned. That sounds kind of silly, but if you think about it, a lot of your life is spent relearning lessons you have already been taught. Life teaches you things everyday, and many times it teaches you the hard way. Then you nurse your wounds and swear you’re never doing that again.
Then you go right out and do it again.
The stars can’t understand why we do this to ourselves, but the stars are blessed and cursed by the fact that they are not human, they cannot appreciate all the crazy and convoluted thoughts and emotions tearing through our minds. They cannot comprehend the huge jumble of ideas and impulses screaming for attention at all times, and how we aren’t always able to decipher them and act accordingly. So we go careening down the wrong road again, lost and confused and shocked when we arrive at the same dead end we have already visited a thousand times before.
We need to look for the warning signs, and tread carefully at times when we see them. Then we can tiptoe around landmines or find another road to follow. Instead, we often barge right past the red lights and sirens and mess it all up again. Sadly, when we do it too often we will eventually just close ourselves off to some big, important parts of life, simply because we don’t want to get burned any more. We can become someone we hate, simply because we can’t bear the thought of living through another lesson we already learned so many times before.
Instead of taking responsibility for our actions and thinking before we act, we will shut the door on love, happiness, or possible fulfillment because we think it’s beyond us or only an illusion. It's never worked before, so why bother trying again?
Or we could go the other way. We can become hypersensitive to the warning signs and see them everywhere we look. We get bitter and look for problems where there aren’t any, and lash out at innocent people for perceived patterns that make us think it’s all happening again. We drive away people that meant us no harm because we project the faults of others onto them.
So we go on, being taught a lesson by the world and never actually learning a thing. Why would we put ourselves through the process over and over, only to glean nothing from the experience? It makes no sense at all, and in the end leaves us lonely and damaged, confused and frightened, all because we can’t seem to make heads or tails of what the universe is trying to tell us.
It is so obvious, though. The stars see it. Your friends see it. You can see it when it happens to other people. We just have such a hard time seeing it when it happens to ourselves, and that’s the thing we have to work on. Just like when we were in school, we have to study harder and work on our comprehension skills, or we will be left behind. The teachers we have are the teachers we are stuck with, the lesson plan is set. It is up to us to figure the rest out. It is so simple, yet so mind-bogglingly hard, and all too often we throw our hands up in frustration and give up.
So we make our world smaller and safer, but at the cost of cutting ourselves off from all the things that could bring us joy and happiness. If only we had taken a little time to look before we leapt and listened to the stars when they tried to help us learn…

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