Sunday, May 22, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to tell you to stop expecting answers. That doesn't mean you should stop asking the questions, especially not the big ones, about the nature of the universe, about science and philosophy, and certainly not the big questions you ask of yourself.
We should always strive to learn, about the world around us, and ourselves.
The problem is, we expect answers to questions where there are none, not any satisfactory ones anyway. We become obsessed and crippled by the actions of others, be it parents when we were children, friends or lovers as we get older, even strangers that commit random acts of violence and cruelty upon us for no earthly reason. Sometimes we demand an answer of the whims of the universe, call it fate or chance.
You are most likely never going to get those answers. You have to accept that, and put your head down and power through. Often there are no big answers, just the same crappy ones we always had, and when we arrive at them again and again we think it's a mistake. So we waste more time and energy going through the events that took place, hoping there was something we missed that will help us make sense of it.
Often times there is not, and you will get no closure, no resolution to your trauma, your broken heart, your repeated cries of “why me?” So many people are broken, so their actions make no sense. They cannot give you answers because they don't know the answers themselves, and dwelling on the “why” of it will eventually leave you broken also.
The same goes for questioning the fickle ways of fate. Sometimes you just get sick. Sometimes the plane goes down. Sometimes events coalesce just right and the person you love most, be it child or parent, lover or friend, is taken from you senselessly and without warning. You are left to try to understand something that has crushed you and made you doubt everything you ever thought you knew.
Sometimes there are no answers to find. It will consume you if you let it. The only way to move forward is to do the thing most of us fear more than anything. The only answer you have is the three words all of us damaged human beings rail against. The answer seems so insulting, so cruel, so without understanding or tact. No matter how much you refuse to accept it, no matter how much it makes you feel guilty or like you gave up, it's the only way to get back to the light.
Let it go.
You have to let it go. That goes against everything we are. We will fight to hold on to our precious pain, to wring every last drop of sorrow and regret out of whatever we are clinging to. It can't be that hard and that easy, but it is.
It is all we have to heal us, to help us move on, to keep going so we can finally get it right.
The stars understand about letting go. They are massive, and as such they warp spacetime and pull everything into them. All the planets, circling them at just the right speed with just the right pull, so we all stay in orbit and function like clockwork. Pull too hard and it all collapses, crashing into the sun in a fiery demise.
It takes all your strength and a very light touch, all at the same time. It is a very difficult trick to master, and many of us never do. You have no chance of mastering it if you cling to the past, stuck in a moment, never moving on. Not moving on means never growing, never getting past a memory you find yourself chained to. But you are not chained to it, you are simply holding onto it in a death grip, clasping it so tightly that your knuckles whiten and your muscles ache, and there is only one way to get yourself free.
Let it go.

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