Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Today's Horoscope, Crib Notes Version

The stars know how busy we are, so here's a bunch of stuff in a nutshell:

Life is aggravating enough, don't go manufacturing problems and magnifying the existing ones.
Be on guard against narcissistic tendencies. Most things people do are not at all related to you, so stop looking for insults and slights where there are none.
No one is watching you or judging you. Dance like no one is watching etc etc, because no one is and no one cares but you.
Try thinking the best of the people in your life rather than expecting the worst.
Keep in mind that everything seems huge and important as it's happening, but when you look back on your life, even hours later at times, those things really had very little impact.
Also keep in mind that no matter how much impact they had, you got through it, and you'll get through the next one.
Give yourself the same leeway you give others. We are often so much harder on ourselves then than we are on each other, even total strangers.
Don't view your successes as failures. Any progress is success.
Don't punish yourself so harshly for mistakes. That's how we learn. You're supposed to make mistakes.
Everything holding you back in life is simply fear wearing different masks. Work everyday to identify and overcome fear.
Try to be kind rather than angry or spiteful, positive rather than negative, and live in the light rather than the darkness if you have a choice.
Remember, you always have a choice. You control how you react, you control how someone else's actions are going to make you feel, you decide what power you are giving away. Choose wisely.

Some of us are suffering from depression, anxiety,  ptsd, bipolar issues and worse. Horoscopes don't begin to address those problems most of the time. If you are suffering with them, or addiction, or feeling suicidal, please please please try to get help.
There is no shame in what you're going through, and I know that things seem a thousand times worse, but that's not usually the case. It's easy to think irrationally when your mind is screaming at you, and it's so hard to know the difference.
Keep reminding yourself that there are people that love you and want to help, and keep fighting, even though sometimes that's the last thing you want to do.
No one reading this is too far gone. It's never too late to claw your way back to the light. Ask for help, and let the people that love you do just that.
And if you know or meet someone that's suffering, be kind and patient and understanding. Don't judge, don't be trite and condescending, have pity rather than scorn and don't minimize what they're going through. Be supportive rather than reactionary.

Try to treat everyone with respect if you can. We are all dealing with things that others can't see or comprehend at times. Cut yourself and the people around you some slack, and do the best you can. That's all any of us can do.

That, in itself, makes us pretty fucking amazing.

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