Thursday, May 26, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to know that it's not all that bad.  
Whatever it is.
Whomever it is  
Whatever it was then, whatever it will be in the future.
Nothing is as bad as you think, no one is too far gone, there is no situation that is not fixable, no person unredeemable.
If you just try hard enough, if you just hang on and give enough love, anything is possible.
Everything happens for a reason
But that's not true. The stars did not say that.
Poets and dreamers and prophets and Hollywood screenwriters said it, and though they didn't mean to do it, they lied to you. Everything is not always going to work out and love does not always conquer all.
Now calm down, the stars would never hit you in the gut like that if they didn't have a reason. They do not want to tear away your faith, they do not want to discourage you or steal your hopes and dreams. Keep all of that safe and secure, and at the ready, because you will need it to get through life.
Try. Always try. Always leave everything on the field, as the old sports saying goes. But always know the odds. Always know what the world is asking of you, and always know what you have to give.
If you are fighting for your life, of course fight with everything you have. You have nothing to lose.
If you are fighting for someone else, you have to evaluate how much you can give. Then you give it your all, but your all doesn't mean you destroy yourself in the process.
You should think positive, you should expect the best outcome, you should believe that miracles can happen. Just don't kid yourself. It's hard to keep reality in sight sometimes, so don't lie to yourself and whomever you might be trying to help.
And then go out and do it anyway. Because that's what humans do. We run through the stop signs, we throw caution to the wind. We are reckless and foolhardy and wonderfully obtuse when we want to be. It's is dangerous and noble and exhilarating, and one of our best qualities and biggest flaws. It is how we accomplish the impossible.
And if you fail, however spectacularly it might be, that's where the stars want you to know it's going to be alright. Maybe that's when everything happens for a reason. Maybe that's the miracle, that you can still walk away with your heart and soul intact. People do it everyday. People live through shit that they thought would surely kill them. Everyday.
Even your failures are successes, though they don't always seem like it at the time. So the stars will leave it to the poets and the dreamers to fill your head with the hope you need to do what you have to do. That's important.
They will be here to pick you up if you fall short, and love you and cradle you and keep you going if you end up broken and bloodied.  They are eternal, at least from our vantage point. You just have to wait until nightfall to see that they haven't gone anywhere, they have not abandoned you, and that's a very good thing. That's why they show themselves at night, when it's darkest and you need them most.

Because all that effort and achieving the impossible, eventually you're going to have to do it all again, and the stars want to make sure you know that you can.

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