Monday, May 2, 2016


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
Today the stars want to remind you that the world isn’t supposed to make sense.  It is complex and full of amazing, weird craziness.  It has a whole complicated set of rules it follows, but there is a lot of room for random variations within those rules.  Keep in mind, we don’t even know what most of the rules are yet. Then when you throw in the whims of all the people living in it … well, you are in for a lot of disappointment and frustration if you expect things to go as planned.
It’s not an easy thing to do, but keep this in mind next time you find yourself getting mad or frightened or hurt.  Most likely, there is nothing you control except your own emotions and actions.  It might feel good to rage and strike out or feel sorry for yourself, but that is a temporary thing and usually a colossal waste of energy, and it doesn’t always reflect well on you.  
Instead, try keeping in mind that there are trillions of different outcomes available for nearly every minute interaction you have with the world.  It is hard to predict and there are usually an infinite number of good or bad outcomes based on factors you don’t even see.  Butterfly Effect and all that.  
Once you realize this, you can work on the one thing you can control, which is your reaction to a mixed up reality.  Take that energy you usually waste railing at the world and use it to make yourself a better person or improve the situation.  Let go of the things you can’t dictate a course of action for, and concentrate on what you can actually do to help.   Forgive others when you realize that maybe they are so messed up with their own stuff that they can’t even see what they are doing to you or themselves.  If you can, help them.  If they are beyond any help you are able to give, let them go, if that’s practical.  When you can’t help anyone in any way you are usually harming them without even knowing it.
If you spend your time and energy bettering yourself and the situation, you will feel much more in control of things and the next time you will know how to handle it more efficiently.  And so on and so forth.  This is how we grow, we learn to accept certain truths rather than fight them in a fruitless battle.
So do your best to anticipate, but don’t let it throw you when your predictions are proven wrong yet again. The stars have provided you with a roadmap, but there are a million different routes between the stars. A million different paths that lead you to where you want to be.  You just need to take a moment and look and pick out the best and most direct path, lest you find yourself lost and drifting through the Milky Way, untethered and spinning yet again.  

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