Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
Just some random thoughts about your life and the world that the stars want to mention:

You’re not fooling anybody.  All the secrets, all the fears, all the little things you think you hide so well from the rest of the world are really in plain sight to anyone that takes the time to notice.  Luckily for you, everyone else is hiding a bunch of irrational stuff too, and there’s an unwritten social contract where we won’t call you on it if you won’t.

Nothing is as bad as you think it is most of the time, that’s true.  Often though, if there is something that we are trying to convince ourselves is okay, chances are it’s much worse than we think it is.  Life is wacky that way.

These have been times that were weirder than the times we are living in now, but not by a whole lot.  Things are uncertain, scary, debilitating, and a bunch of other horrible adjectives, and all those feelings are all connected.  Perhaps the worst part of these times is that all bets are truly off.  No one can say with much certainty what anyone is liable to do next, and that’s the root of this waking nightmare right now.

This too shall pass.  Every cloud has a silver lining. Hope springs eternal.  Whatever the idiom or parable, it is probably true, that’s why it became an idiom or a parable.  Take comfort in the fact that the human race has held on to these little phrases forever, that let us know that there’s always hope and we are not alone in our suffering.  

Someone somewhere loves you, and as long as someone loves you, all hope is not lost. If you say that no one loves you, you are a liar.  You are just feeling sorry for yourself.  There is a chance that some of the people that say they love you are lying, to you and themselves, but there is still someone somewhere that loves you, and you damn well know it.  

The stars hope you all have a nice evening, and they hope you end the night comfortable and satisfied, in your own bed in your own home, where you can fall asleep in the arms of someone that loves you.  And if that’s not the case, that’s okay too.  It’s very rare when any of us get the ideal outcome, but you can still hope.

Your home is still on the horizon, and you’ll get there someday.  

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