Tuesday, May 23, 2017

5/22/17 Emergency Horoscope

Today's Emergency Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that horror can occur at any moment, and there will always be madmen and the evil that they do.
The stars cannot protect you. Truthfully, no one can protect you, so beware of the people that claim that they can because they will always speak of sacrifices you will have to make.
Tragedy will always be with us because the amazing minds we use to try to stop it are the same as the minds that work to perpetrate it.
So we will keep on trying to make the world safe for ourselves and our children, but in the meantime the only thing we can save is our humanity and the resolve to keep moving forward and to do better.
So though we may weep tonight, remember that this is not all there is in the world, there is always more good than bad, and as the stars repeatedly strive to remind you, the light always banishes the shadow.


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