Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Sometimes every perceivable outcome looks bad. Sometimes it seems like we don't have a friend in the world. Sometimes it feels like there's no way out, no way to win, and nothing you can do will make a difference.
The stars want to ask you: has your life been that horrible that you think any of that could possibly be true? Hasn't there always been something that has pulled you back from the edge the other times you felt this way? Some little magic trick life performed to make everything alright?
And if you think your life has been that bad, you should get out more, or look at people’s stories throughout history, or just talk to some of the people you already know and see what they've overcome.
You can either view the hardships others have overcome as inspiration, or as validation that there's no point, the choice is yours. But the stars want you to know that if you choose to believe in the latter that you are going against everything that makes us human and has helped us achieve all that we have. You are choosing against what you know to be true in your own life.

Once again, the stars implore you to choose wisely.

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