Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars know that the best way to do anything is to have a plan. You should weigh your options, consider what you're working with, and carefully proceed in the most efficient and practical way. This is the best way to approach most everything.
Life isn't perfect, though. Sometimes you are overwhelmed, or you may can't figure out exactly what you should do first, so you remain frozen. You make excuses and procrastinate and justify a bunch of stuff you know is wrong, and it can drag you down and make you question your own abilities.
If you get to this point, then just start somewhere. Push yourself to get your hands in there and get them dirty. Start on the littlest stack of papers, or the biggest, whatever works for you. Just do something.
Once you get moving, you gain momentum, and even if it turns out to be a dead end, you have learned that you have to do it a different way and your brain will have a better idea of what to do next. Just keep moving forward and that momentum will start to carry you.
Whatever it was that confused you, or frightened you, or just seemed like a big hassle, will start getting easier once you start chipping away at it.
Just do something, or you will end up with regrets, unemployment, or in an endless downward spiral that could have easily been avoided.
All because you sat there, frozen and demoralized when your clouded mind couldn't see the answer right in front of you.

So just do something.

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