Monday, May 15, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that you're not alone. That's true for many situations, but in this instance they want you to remember that you are on the side of the light. The side of good. The side of compassion and what is right.
The side of love.
Even some of the people you are fighting right now are on the same side, they are just a little lost and they don't know it. Minds can change, hearts can heal. That's a part of what love is too, understanding and forgiving your enemies.
Just hold on to the fact that there are millions of people that feel just as you do, and don't let the acrimony that seems to define these times sweep you up and turn you into someone you're not.
Hold true to yourself and stay the course and know that you are part of something bigger, part of a wave that is still only building far out at sea. The wave has yet to crash on the beach with all its power, churning up everything and leaving a clean, smooth surface in which to write a new chapter.
You are part of that wave.

You are not alone.

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