Monday, May 15, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to point out that if you're one of those people that over thinks everything, chances are you dwell more on the bad than the good. That's okay to an extent, that's who you are, so you're going to have to accept it. Just remember that there's no reason you can't think about the good also.
While you're fretting away the hours, be sure to think about the people whose lives you've made better, even in the tiniest way.
Think about the children or animals or flood victims or the sick and needy you've helped with your time or donations. Even if it's putting some spare change in a can at the store counter, or texting a number and giving a dollar, that's a plus for the good side.
Think about every time you lifted someone's spirits, or soothed a frightened child, or just gave someone a hug or listened to them when they needed it most.
Think about those times when your sense of humor or quick thinking made someone smile or diverted a mishap. Think about how some talent you possess, whether you sang a song or drew a picture or made up a silly poem that brought a smile to someone's face. When you told a story to lighten the mood, or dragged somebody onto the dance floor, or threw someone a surprise party. When you came to the rescue, with a gas can, or a ride to the airport, or a cup of sugar, or a pint of ice cream and shoulder to cry on.
At the very least, think about all the situations you've been in during your lifetime and no matter how small it might have been, you made things a little better. Maybe you didn't make things better so much as you didn't make them worse, which is something a lot of bumbling or uncaring people do in those instances.
And if you come up with a lot of times when you could have done better, well… you will have many more chances to make the right choice next time, and in doing so, make the world a little bit of a nicer place, just because you're in it.

The stars want you to think about that.

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