Tuesday, May 23, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
How do you know what's real? How do you know that the people who love you actually love you? How do you know whether your elected officials, the medical association, the committees and organizations that are there to protect you and help those in need are legitimate or corrupt? How can you be sure if any single person you've ever met has ever told you the absolute truth?
How can you be sure when some people are so adept at keeping their demons hidden, keeping the resentment and fury they feel towards you and the world below the surface, until one day it pokes its head through and your world falls apart?
How can you know when you can find yourself falling in love with a character in a book or a movie, but finding fault in the good people that are in your life? How can you believe in the glory of heaven, yet men of God are committing the most grievous of sins?
We don't know. We just have to trust and believe and live with the sobering thought that we might be wrong about everything. What is the other option? So we go on every day, finding a reason to believe and trying to make the world a better place, a little at a time.
The stars want to remind you that most of the lights in the sky are stars that burned out millions of years ago, ghosts that have ceased to exist long before their light reaches your eyes.
But does that make them any less real?

Does that make them any less spectacular?

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