Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars know that this time of the year things can seem harder and more hopeless than usual. Maybe it’s because the excitement of the holidays is long over, and spring still seems far off. Perhaps it’s because winter has finally worn us down.
This time of the year also seems to play with us. There will be a warm day or two, and we feel like maybe things are going to start getting better, only to wake the next morning to snow and ice or bitter wind. Everyone’s mood is affected and we snipe and are short with each other.
Maybe you long to do the things you can only do in the summer. Perhaps you miss the green leaves and outdoors, or the beach. People tend to stay indoors in the cold weather, so even going out to a club or cafe seems more desolate, with no chance to meet anyone new or see old friends. Cold and flu season disrupts plans, saps your energy, and in extreme cases takes people from you.
So many things are seasonal, and February is where everything seems to hit a bump in the road. Businesses struggle, people have less work, spending is down, your Christmas bills are due. Kids are ground down by school, or stressing over the final run towards graduation and their future, or just being stuck in the house. Even something as seemingly insignificant as your favorite fruits or vegetables being out of season can affect your mood.
And of course there’s Valentine’s Day, and if you’re alone, the holiday just drives that fact home tenfold. Trying to meet someone just so you won’t be alone for a made up holiday, especially during a period where people are generally down or surly and don’t go out much, is not going to work out well. So don’t do it. Don’t be defined by something as trivial as an event made up by the greeting card industry.
Instead of beating yourself up or trying to force happiness, find something else to do. There are surely some friends who aren’t in a relationship as well, make plans with them and go celebrate the people in your life that you do love. Buy yourself from flowers and candy if you like them.
As far as the rest goes, spring is right around the corner. Make your plans and remind yourself that for as long as you’ve been alive, winter has ended and spring has sprung. It will not let you down. Keep in mind that everyone is feeling something of the way that you do, some more, some less. Depression hits harder, anxiety and boredom are usually higher, so have a little more patience with moody people.
Have more patience with yourself, too. Because this time of year might weigh a little heavier on you, treat yourself once in a while. Take a little extra time to spoil yourself, you deserve it. Keep in mind that you might be closer to losing your temper this time of year, and try not to put yourself and others through it for unimportant things.
The stars are busy keeping the whole universe spinning, and they are making sure that spring and summer are going to be here like always. Your warm days full of life and sunshine are coming, so figure out a way to be happy until they arrive. Keep in mind that you haved lived through many winters already, and a lot of the things that are bothering you are just the same things that do it every year, most of them vague and elusive, so take heart. The sun is still there, your own star, shining its light and counting the days until the machinations of the solar system brings it closer to you.

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