Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
Your life is going to be full of wonderful things you couldn’t appreciate at the time. We were too young, we had other stuff going on, we were just made a foolish choice, and the moment passed us by.
The stars want you to understand that you are never going to get it right every time. Some people like to console themselves with phrases like “if it was meant to be, it would happen” or “everything happens for a reason”. The stars are not fans of regrets, and they are not fans of passing the blame or looking for an out or going gentle into that good night.
The fact that you can now recognize the things you missed out on means that you will see them the next time they come around. More than that, if there is something you feel you missed out on in the past, go make it happen for you now. It may not be the exact thing you missed, but with some effort and some willpower you can get pretty damn close. Maybe better.
Don’t just wait for things to happen to you and hope you can be bothered to appreciate it when it comes along, actively go out and get what you want out of life, when you want it. There is still magic in the world, but sometimes you need to be the magician.
Go out and make your own fucking magic.

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