Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The Easter weekend is upon us, and the stars don't care about what particular religion you subscribe to, that's between you and your God. The point of Easter is spring, and rebirth. Today is Good Friday and while that might be myth or magic, the takeaway here is that to be reborn we first must die.
In that sense, if we want to get a fresh start, or better ourselves, we have to let go of the bad. Instead of holding onto all the pain and trauma and reliving the misery, let it die today. Lay it to rest, along with the past and the parts of your life that you've already obsessed and pored over a million times. If you haven't found closure by reliving it over and over, let it be dead and buried already.
Along with the memories, let go of the bad behavior and self inflicted misery that comes with them. Let all the things you do that make you feel bad about yourself wither and die. Seal them away, starve them to death, and stop letting them ruin your life.
Once you do that, you don't have to wait three days to be reborn as something new and pure. You don't actually have to crucify yourself to be redeemed. You've already crucified yourself a thousand times over, and each time you missed the point entirely.
It's not about suffering needlessly, it's about suffering with a purpose. That purpose is to stop suffering.
Go get yourself reborn, like everything else in springtime. Be new, be free, be happy and at peace. Step out of the darkness and into the light, and be you, but even better.

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