Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want you to remember that just because someone agrees with you doesn’t mean that they are smart, just like when someone disagrees with you, it doesn’t mean that they are stupid. Most people will agree with you on some issues, and not on others. All people will do stupid things at some point in their lives, but that’s how we learn and grow.
In these polarized times, we tend to label people as stupid depending on how they voted, or who or what they like or support. Maybe their circumstances are just different than yours. Maybe they haven’t grown in the same areas you have. Perhaps they are on their own journey, and calling them stupid isn’t really going to help them or you.
Some of the most intelligent people in the world were racist and intolerant, and committed some of the most heinous crimes against humanity. Some of the least intelligent people on the planet can comprehend love and compassion, and possess wisdom we can’t even guess at.
The stars want you to realize that the world is far more complicated than even the smartest of us can comprehend. Most people are a million different things, all their thoughts and emotions and influences competing and conflicting at every moment. They can be wrong, they can be evil, they can be indifferent and selfish. They can be ignorant on some subjects, they can be ruled by their emotions or past trauma or the way they were raised. They can be damaged or stubborn or misinformed, but they are hardly ever stupid.
And if you still can’t see that just because people disagree with you, it doesn’t make them stupid, think about the fact that some of those people think you are stupid as well. So either you’re both stupid, or you’re both wrong. Which is it?

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