Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
With all the love and beauty, care and determination humans are capable of, sometimes the stars marvel at how grotesquely absurd you all are. Convoluted reasons, born of stubbornness, fear, ignorance and greed, keep you mired in misery and failure. On a personal level, and a grand scale.
Today, they weep at the grand scale, as you watch more of your children die in horrific violence. The stars have billions of years of collective knowledge and experience, but they honestly do not need their eons of observation and wisdom to figure this out.
The stars love us, but today they condemn us. They watch with disgust as we do nothing, not one small thing, to try to protect the innocent. They see us throwing up convoluted reasons and misinformation, while those in power, corrupted by greed, turn a deaf ear to the people they serve. So many of you dishonor the memories of others, and make a mockery of the sanctity of life by putting up barriers to a better, safer world for us and our children.
And for what? Not one good reason. Not one. Your objections are irrational, your mock concerns are ludicrous and obscene. If your answer is to do nothing, and fight for the status quo when the status quo means unabated murder and mayhem, then the stars feel that you are a detriment to the human race and its survival. You are the moth that gets burned by the flame, over and over. If you won't do anything, then you are actively condoning mass killings and terror. If some imaginary and convoluted reason keeps you from protecting your fellow man, then you are ruled by fear and ignorance, and you are a liability where lives are at stake. If you are making money blindly protecting an industry and culture that results in the wholesale slaughter of innocent children on an ever increasing basis, you are evil and filth, and should dragged through the streets.
If at this point you can't figure it out, if you can't be bothered to at least engage in a discussion on how to remedy this problem, the stars are done with you. You have crossed the line into the enemy camp. You are unreasonable, and you have lost your soul and your humanity. You have a sickness, consumed with your twisted logic and your willful ignorance while people die. You should be quarantined, so as not to infect others.
Make no mistake, you are an abomination. The stars wish you luck in finding your way back to the light, but they no longer shine for you.
The stars hope that sensible heads win out. They hope our better angels once again guide us and tell us what is right. They throw all their support and strength behind those who want a better world, and strive to honor all the beauty and wonder and potential we were born into.
The stars, as always, are on the side of love.

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