Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
It's all well and good to have a tribe, to be with people you who think like you and like all of the same things as you. If you are part of a tribe, though, you might find that the rest of the tribe doesn't like it when you feel differently about something. You are expected to get in line with the tribes way of thinking. To get along, go along.
That's why the stars think you should eschew tribes in favor of communities. Communities welcome diversity. They are open to change and new ideas. They are accepting and willing to listen.
Part of a successful life is figuring out who you are and what you like, and part of that is continually looking for new things you might be interested in. Your views and interests should change as you grow, and you can't grow if you can't change.
If you find you have a lot of people in your life that don't want you to change, or think for yourself, then get away from those people and find new ones who like you for who your are, not what you agree with them on.
Find a community, who are excited to know you, and hear about all the crazy and wonderful things you care about. Don't find a tribe where you fit in and stagnate, find a community that fits you, no matter who you are, and flourish.

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