Tuesday, November 14, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to stop punishing yourself. Sometimes we are heartbroken, and when that happens we tend to blame ourselves. Perhaps we feel foolish, or guilty, or we just need someone to blame.
We lose people over time. Our loved ones will be taken from us, and it will leave a scar. Instead of just celebrating who they were and what they meant to us, we can instead dwell on the past and look for regrets. We think about the times we may have let them down, or passed up a chance to spend more time with them or tell them you loved them.
Don't do that. Anyone who loved you wouldn't want you to spend one second berating yourself over something so meaningless.
There are times we fall in love, only to have it explode horrifically in our faces. We love people who are not capable of loving us back, or our feelings are not reciprocated. That doesn't make you a horrible person, or the guilty party. Not everyone is in a position to give a relationship the things that are needed,and not everyone is going to see the things in you that are truly lovable.
Be proud of yourself that you can love that fiercely, and go find someone that loves you for it.
Sometimes the people at love need help, and try as we may, we cannot save them. We beat our heads against their wall time and again, to no avail. We end up feeling like we failed, but that isn't the case at all. The fault was with them or their brain chemistry or their demons. We berate ourselves because we have no other target to hit.
You are to be commended for trying, not punished for failing a test that was rigged from the start.
The stars want you to realize that there are so many times where our first instinct is to take everything bad that happens out on ourselves. That is because we can. We often feel powerless, and sadly, abusing ourselves is always the easiest way to go. Or so it seems.
You end up killing a little part of you every time you do it. It adds up and takes its toll, until you are full of bitterness and self loathing. Don't do that to yourself. Learn to celebrate the good things you do and the love you have been given.
The stars want you to take it easy on yourself, because they love you, and no one who loves you wants to see you beat yourself up like that.
You shouldn't either.

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