Wednesday, November 29, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to realize that to live in this world, you need to make some allowances for other people. Their cultures, their beliefs, their sense of humor and morality, their ideas of taste and sophistication, a bunch of little variables that make them who they are.
We get into trouble when we start making allowances for damaged, broken people and their destructive behavior. We end up trying to overlook serious problems, not just minor character flaws. Before you know it, you end up shackled to an abuser, or an addict, or some other type of sociopath. Someone so lost and twisted that they are nowhere near ready for a relationship with other human beings.
When someone is that damaged, you can't save them unless they want to save themselves. You might think it inconceivable that they want to live that way, hurting themselves and everyone around them, living in torment; but a strange corrupted part of them want exactly that. Some of them are incapable of seeing it at all.  They need to decide they don't want to live that way, and many of them never figure that out.

That's not to say you shouldn't try to help people, but you shouldn't fall in love with them. If you end up with a partner that is damaged and living a life full of holes, you are simply filling your own life with damage and soon you will have all kinds of holes of your own.

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