Tuesday, November 28, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that all of us are living a mystery. We are all existing with no real clue as to how we got here, or even where “here” is. We live our lives every moment with the knowledge that we don't have any answers to the really big questions, and the best that we can hope for is that we might get some information after we die. Even that seems unlikely.
It is something that most of us try to keep in the back of our mind, to ignore or hide from it. Sometimes those evasion tactics manifest themselves as addiction, or other self destructive behavior, and we spiral downward. Some of us can't stop thinking about it, and it drives us mad. Still others so desperately want any kind of answer that they sell their individuality or their control, their very morality to anyone that will provide them comfort, no matter how implausible.
But no matter how we try, the doubts and questions are always there. Why are we here and what is the grand purpose? All of us, uneasy and incomplete, searching for our own answers and never finding satisfaction.
The stars want you to understand that there may not be a grand purpose, and even if there is, you will most likely never know it. That doesn't need to scare you, though. It shouldn't, because when we are scared, we make bad decisions. It might be the one thing we aren't meant to know, and we have to make our peace with it.
The stars wonder if that's the whole point of the fable. Man and woman in a garden, and one piece of forbidden fruit, which they could not keep themselves away from. So of course, they eat it, because they can't be happy with all the other gifts they've been given, and set a course of misery for the rest of humanity.
The stars know that there never was that garden, but there still are all those wonderful things, and there still is that fruit that drives us to destruction in front of us.

We humans are so fallible at times that we can't see that we never even had to have a bite of it to lose it all.

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