Tuesday, November 28, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to you to have faith. Some of us have faith in an all knowing entity, a God or belief system that may defy logic. Some of us believe in a reason and order to the universe, whether or not evidence exists to prove it. That is their right, but that's not the kind of faith the stars are talking about.
We all have faith in a million little things. We have faith that the things we take for granted are always going to be. We have faith that the government and society is going to still be in place when we wake up in the morning. We have faith that our families and loved ones are relatively safe and the structure in our lives we hold dear is constant. We have faith that the earth won't crumble beneath our feet and the ocean won't wash over us and the sky won't crack open in wholesale destruction, and if it does, there will be help to rebuild. Many people of the world don't live with that reassurance.
We have faith that our jobs and our wealth and our belongings are secure. We have faith that there will always be something to do, or watch, or listen to, or read, something to entertain us and occupy our time. We count on authority figures and soldiers to defend us, our legal systems to be just. We believe that others will do their part to keep the whole thing going.
We also have faith in the people we love. We expect our parents to protect and guide us, our friends to support us, and our partners to love us. We believe in the promises people make, and the declarations of love and forever.
The stars know that many times that faith is tested or shattered. They know that others cannot always live up to their promises. They know that we can't either, and we betray ourselves along with the people that depend on us. They know that one day you might wake up to find the person you counted on is gone forever in the random lottery that is life and death.
You might find that the one person you always thought was true and real and you could always count on is gone, whether it's cruel fate or just cruelty, and you're alone again.
That's where true faith comes in. When everything you had is now tested, when your world is shattered and you find yourself at square one, at rock bottom. These are the moments when we tell ourselves all hope is gone and nothing matters, that it will never be good, and you'll never allow yourself to be hurt again.
The stars know that this is the point where you have to work and strive to have hope, to believe that you can try it all over one more time. You need faith that all people aren't like the ones that let you down. That all the best things in life aren't tainted. That there is a chance at happiness, and that your love and trust will be rewarded.

You have to have faith that if you put the effort in, it will be good again.

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